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April 26, 2020

How to use Blueprint static folders correctly in Python – Flask

In a sentence. Static folders don’t inherit as templates do. Ill explain.

In Flask you have a concept called Blueprints.

In most Flask tutorials you see throughout the web they will have a single file which contains everything including your routes, models and any other code. You may do some includes to pull in additional functions but that is probably it.

As your Flask application grows in size this is obviously not feasible and the different sections of code need to be separated out into different folders or separations of concerns as it were.

For this, you can use Blueprints. you create a folder for example /lists/ and in there you define an [...]

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February 26, 2020

Python Flask SQLalchemy Mixins at the end of existing columns

A mixin can add specific fields to another model in Flask,

Example model

# User Class class User(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'User' id = db.Column(Integer, primary_key=True) username = db.Column(String(32), unique=True) email = db.Column(String(32), unique=True) password = db.Column(Binary) role = db.Column(String(32), default="Member") # Define the relationship to Role via UserRoles def __init__(self, **kwargs): for property, value in kwargs.items(): # depending on whether value is an iterable or not, we must # unpack it's value (when **kwargs is request.form, some values [...]
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September 4, 2019

WordPress Plugin Developers – Please Stop Auto Enabling Google Maps Api’s

I have wasted another day finding a hidden setting in another plugin that includes the Google Maps Api js without a key.

At Coffee Black we have a sort of rolling default setup for new WordPress websites.

It includes all of the plugins we always use and some tweaks and other nice to haves which make our lives so much simpler and makes us more efficient when creating a new site.

We use WP Bakery Page builder on all of our client sites and several addons for this.

Over the past 6 months, I have now spent an inordinate amount of time troubleshooting Google Maps API errors.

That seems like a simple thing to do right?

Here lies the issue. When you [...]

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April 30, 2019

Nginx proxy caching with multiple php pools and WordPress

I like Nginx and am always looking for faster better ways to serve websites.

A few years ago we found a script called Tuxlite which opened up the idea, to us, of using multiple PHP pools, using Unix socks, to serve multiple websites without everyone being under the same www-data user. this provided both security and separation of configurations which we wanted without having to setup a new server for every website.

The idea being, you configure Nginx to serve and respond to multiple different domain names, using separate configs under sites available, and each of these config files has a line

fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.2-fpm-user.sock;

which relates to a [...]

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How to use Blueprint static folders correctly in Python – Flask
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3 Homeassistant Rfxtrx setup for LightwaveRF Devices
Nginx proxy caching with multiple php pools and WordPress
Python Flask SQLalchemy Mixins at the end of existing columns